Intimate Relationships 

Seeking outside help in your relationship is not a sign of weakness or failure!

In fact, couples who seek outside help & guidance (even before it becomes necessary), have the best chance of thriving during difficult times!

What you will Learn from our E-Course


We will give you the tools you need to recognize the 3 things that cause the masculine or feminine energy in your relationship to shut down, and how to notice where and when those might be showing up!


How even the simplest thought and action can shut down connection in your relationship, and where in YOUR relationship, you can change that.


How shifting the focus from you to your partner can change the trajectory of your relationship.  
Shift to how you want to make them happy rather than how they are not meeting your needs!

Track Your Progress

Our Videos along with the Downloadable Workbook are going to allow you to keep track of where things are showing up in your relationship so you can discuss with your partner and create a stronger bond.

Your awareness of the roles you play, along with shifting focus from YOU to THEM is going to change the state of your Relationship!

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1

I don't think I can get my partner to be involved in any course but I really want to do this.  What should I do?

"Do the work for you.  When you focus on YOUR role, how YOU can change, what YOU can is going to significantly impact the relationship regardless of whether your partner joins you or not.  

What we have found is that in most couples, if one partner starts off in our programs alone, their partner usually ends up becoming involved because they see the changes their partner is making!"

Question 2

How do I know if I need to seek some couples counseling or coaching?

"This is a pretty common question we get.  The answer is that there is never a bad time to seek outside help.  In fact, what we have found is that if you start the work BEFORE you think you need it, that is actually the best.  You can stop bad habits from forming.

In fact, the American Psychological Association has shown that Couples work is now 75% effective.

Question 3

I am in a relationship that has lost its passion.  In fact, we are more like roommates than partners.  How do we change it and bring back the passion?

"The first step is to focus on what is important to your partner and build on that.  There are 3 things in masculine and 3 things in feminine energy that will shut down intimacy and we will show what those are, how they are sabotaging your relationship and how you can learn to move away from those!"

Question 4

I feel like I am constantly disappointed by my partner.  They are not showing up like I need them to do.  How do I change that?

"The quick answer is that you can't change them...but what you can do is change your expectations of them.  What we mean is that disappointments typically show up when we have created an image in our mind of how something or someone is supposed to be - and when that doesn't happen exactly as we have created in our minds, we are disappointed or frustrated!"

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